Textile Constant :-
Generally we use some constant value in spinning mill. Like yard to hank converted constant 0.54 and Meter to hank converted constant 0.59
0.54/ Yard weight in gms = Hank
0.54/4.9 = 0.1102 Hank
0.59/Meter weight in gms = Hank
0.59/5.36 = 0.1100 Hank
Where it is comes from ?
First we want to know what is count.
No. of 840yards in pound = Count
We apply the above concept in formula. Note second formula Meter to hank converted constant also same as yard to hank converted constant but here we converted first meter to yard so we add 1.094
Formula :-
1/840/2.20456*1000 = 0.54
1*1.094/840/2.202456*1000 = 0.59
If you have any doubts, Pls let me know